Signing up to fairness and equality in Islington…and across our client base
(Last policy review Jan 2025)
This eight point charter from the London Borough of Islington underscores all our service supply to our clients, present and future, in the Borough.
We see it as a template, a paradigm, for adoption by other organisations and Boroughs we work in across the UK.
We, at SmithMartin LLP, subscribe to the charter tenets laid out below…
Islington Charter for Fairness and Equality
1. We recognise, respect and value Islington’s diverse community and are committed to making Islington a fairer place.
2. We shall promote good relationships between people of different backgrounds and lifestyles.
3. We are committed to creating a borough where children and adults are free from poverty, and are empowered to take responsibility and make a positive contribution.
4. We are committed to identifying, understanding and responding to the different needs and experiences of our community in order to narrow the gap in outcomes on the things that matter.
5. We shall work in a way that takes into account the fact that people may have multiple identities and complex needs which may compound the inequalities which they face.
6. We shall work in partnership to pool information and resources to ensure that there is equality of opportunity and access to services.
7. We are committed to tackling discrimination and inequality in all the service areas for which we are responsible, including in our role as employers.
8. We are committed to targeting our efforts to secure fairness and equitable outcomes in Islington.
I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the organisation named below supports the Islington Council Charter for Fairness and Equality.